• Indien

    Donate yourself in Tiru

    Being a pilgrim for a few weeks in Tiruvannamalai, the cute Southern Indian city at the foot of the sacred mountain Arunachala. Sri Ramana Ashram is a truly beautiful and serene place to be. “Why are there no donation boxes anywhere”, I asked after a few days of profound meditations, and after enjoying the stay in one of the modern rooms, being offered delicious southern food three times a day. “Ramana doesn’t want anything. If you find your Self, this is more than enough donation for him”, comes as the answer. Thank you for your Love, Ramana.  Om Bhagavan Ki Jai!

  • Myanmar

    Myanmar Through the Instagram Lense

    My very first attempts with Instagram postings in March 2015 happened in the miraculous land of Myanmar. The photos document most days of a 3-week round-trip starting in Yangon, going through Bago, Golden Rock, Inle Lake, Shan State, Mandalay, Ava, Bagan and back to Yangon.

  • Myanmar

    Beauty in the Moment

    In six weeks of travelling through Myanmar I brought back some 3.000 photos taken with phone and camera. I was totally captivated by the essence of this country. These are some of my all-time favourites.

  • Myanmar

    Myanmar – the Golden Land

    Whatever else is going on in Myanmar – its temples make this country a Golden Land indeed and a land of true and deep spiritual practice. The Buddhist tradition is very much alive and palpable. The many sacred places attract pilgrims from neighbouring countries, who want to get a glimpse and a whiff of the stunning magnificence and charge of the pagodas and temples. Two of only six great international Buddhist Councils have been held in Myanmar. But much more than the importance on this formal level it is the miraculous and mystical that makes Myanmar shine so bright.

  • Thailand

    Im Wasserfall ist’s Wasser nicht mehr all

    Wasser ist tatsächlich generell knapp auf der Tropeninsel. Kaum zu glauben, wenn man das satte Grün der Wälder vor sich sieht. Doch tatsächlich regnet es hier nicht (mehr) genug. Der letzte Monsun war für hiesige Verhätlnisse nicht der Rede wert. Allein mein Körper scheint sich dem Trend geringer Wasserabgabe nicht wirklich anpassen zu wollen...

  • Thailand

    Die goldene Baumschlange

    Tagelang bin ich nun durch die regendurchtränkten Wälder von Ko Phangan gestreift und nix Aufregendes gesehen. Keine King Cobra, nicht einmal eine normale Cobra, keine Python, nicht mal eine wünzüge Schlange. Dann heute im Garten, hinterm Haus in Downtown Thongsala, rankt sich eine "Golden Tree Snake" um einen unserer Roselle-Büsche. Die Ernte wird demnächst wohl etwas zaghafter vonstatten gehen. :-)